~Kathryn Sage, ND ~

A Naturopathic Medicine Blog

Frustration Survey April 15, 2008

Filed under: Business,Naturopathic Medicine — kmsage @ 12:02 am
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For my business class I have to do something called a “frustration survey” – a survey to find out what annoys people most about health care. The answers I get from this survey will help me to better understand what my patients are hoping for in their medical care experience.

I went to the mall and did my frustration survey (yes, I was the annoying one with the clipboard – it was awful!) and got some very interesting answers. Now I am asking you, my beloved readers, to do the same survey. Please feel free to hit reply on this post to answer the questions (you can even put in a fake name to do it anonymously) or email your answers directly to me if you wish. I will be posting the results when the survey is complete. Thank you in advance!

1) What frustrates you most about the health care industry?

2) What frustrates you most about going to the doctor?

3) What do you like best about going to the doctor?

4) Have you ever been to an alternative health care practitioner (chiropractor, acupuncturist, naturopath, osteopath, etc). Why or why not?