~Kathryn Sage, ND ~

A Naturopathic Medicine Blog

What is hydrotherapy? May 9, 2008

Have you ever woken up early in the morning and jumped into a cold pool, lake or even shower and had a sense of profound refreshment, like your body has finally been woken up?

Have you ever taken a hot bath at night to help you relax and become more sleepy?

Water can affect our body in many ways. Not only is it the best thing for you to drink, it can also be used externally as a way to boost your immune system, reduce pain and improve your energy and mood. Hydrotherapy, or using water for healing, is one of the oldest techniques used in Naturopathic medicine. Since its creation by the “Father of Hydrotherapy”, Father Priessnitz (1799-1852), people have been using hot and cold water to heal and continue to do so today.

As you can imagine, the benefits of using water for healing are numerous. For one, it is very inexpensive – if you have a shower or bath with both hot and cold water, and some old towels and blankets, you already have most of the supplies you need. Hydrotherapy is also convenient as you can do it yourself, at home. By far the best aspect is that unlike most treatments, you reap the benefits almost immediately and there are no side effects.

Stay tuned on my blog to learn some easy hydrotherapy techniques!


One Response to “What is hydrotherapy?”

  1. Peter L. Loes, M.D. Says:

    Nothing better then diving off a dock on a dark hot summers night into the ink I would say!

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